History of construction is truly remarkable.From neolithic architecture to modern day buildings,from mud houses to high rise buildings , the tools and methods have evolved drastically.Archaeological records and surveys provide us with glimpse of structure that were built thousands of years ago.Structures like Machu Picchu,Great Pyramids of Giza are in themselves uncanny and outstanding piece of craftsmen and engineering.What were once made to suit the basic needs of protection and fortification have turned into exquisite and intricate structures.With the dawn of scientific construction techniques ,improved material and
artistic designs the world is witnessing some distinctive and awe inspiring structures.
Today Construction is more than just erecting a building it’s a fusion of
design and planning ,procedure and methods,delivering quality and equipping to the changing requirements .Understanding the scope and cost estimates of planning and construction requires engineering skills ,management and interdisciplinary approach.Current trend is to promote sustainable construction methods that appreciate and blends architectural tradition and innovation, apart from that interaction of skilled workforce,engineers and a qualified advice is a must .Nowadays ,work specification requires exact method and material to synthesis into a sturdy and aesthetic design. Melding the perfection of a skilled craftsman and technological advancement,construction has come a long way redefining the future of design and complex structures.
Analysts predict 2016 will be a strong year for the industry, as Dodge Data & Analytics’ 2016 Construction Outlook report projected 6% growth, with the value of construction starts reaching an estimated $712 billion.In the residential sector, green building currently accounts for 26-33% of the total residential market.
At ADDI we strive for world class infrastructure construction, buildings that reflect your taste and personality.We have the world’s finest team of skilled workforce,Superior innovative techniques,unbeaten attitude,and an aspiration to become world’s top construction giant.We endeavour to create not just a mundane building but a structure that is flexible ,sturdy ,tough as well congenial and environmentally sustainable .